From the Principal

After many years’ experience as a Speech and Language therapist, I opened our first language-centred nursery group in 1989. It was run on the philosophy that children need both ‘language to learn’ and ‘to learn language’ through exposure to a range of experiences that enable them to master other skills.

In 1993 Blossom House extended its original brief and we started to provide full-time education for those children who continue to require an integrated programme of learning in a caring and highly supportive environment. Self-esteem and confidence are crucial to success and many of our children arrive at Blossom House with a very poor self-image and little belief in any ability they do have.

Blossom House has a unique atmosphere created by a totally dedicated, highly competent and wonderfully caring staff. We acknowledge specific strengths and support individual weaknesses, so that each child “blossoms” and has the opportunity to fulfil his or her potential.

Joanna Burgess
An International View

We are often visited by professionals from the UK and other countries. This is from an Australian government-funded fellowship study in 2013:
“Blossom house School is an exemplary model for Australia to study and replicate. It has outstanding student success and outcomes. It caters for a variety of Language and Communication difficulties with varying diagnostic labels from SpLD to Autism Spectrum Disorder.
The school is highly organised, with excellent programs and structures in place. Teacher training in SpLD and other learning differences is encouraged. It has a vibrant and positive school environment.
Many new and exciting programs are being used or trialled. Students seem to thrive, are confident and successful. There is a strong link between teaching staff and therapists to produce the best outcome for students. The therapists not only have individual sessions but run classroom programs and attend registration sessions daily. There is strong, structured and well thought out set of programs and procedures, which provide holistic approach to achieve well round student success.”