Art, Music & Sport

The ‘arts’ play an important part in the curriculum of Blossom House. The children are encouraged to experiment with many different media. There are trips to art galleries, and two drama productions each year in which all KS1, 2 and 3 pupils have the opportunity to be involved.

All children have group music lessons and many have individual instrumental tuition with a professional musician who runs a lively department with regular informal concerts. Pupils have recorded their own CDs.

The school promotes a wide range of physical opportunities and encourages the pupils to understand the benefits of physical activity. Most pupils have PE every day. We have a large, multipurpose sports hall, and have been awarded the ‘Activemark’ by Sport England. Among the sports on offer are football, hockey, basketball, cricket, athletics, cross-country running and gymnastics and everyone gets a chance to participate in team games. We organise matches against local schools, and the children are taken on regular outings and go rock climbing, bowling, kayaking, archery. There are sports days,inter-house tournaments and multi-activity holiday courses.

The school runs a comprehensive programme of after-school clubs including art, dance, drama, computers, photography and a choice of sports. The older pupils go on camping trips, on two residential trips (including an outward bound trip) in year 6, and in year 8 the children go to Paris. In Year 11 residential trips have included South Africa and Spain. The school participates in the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme and Sports Leader Award.