Key Stage 3

Curriculum Subjects: English, Maths, ICT, Science, Art, History, Geography, Spanish, PE, Design & Technology, Citizenship, Music RE and PSHE.

Speech & Language Therapy delivered 3x45minute sessions per week. The programme delivered includes: developing pupils understanding and use of language skills, developing pragmatic language abilities, developing functional language skills and supporting the pupil’s ability to access the National Curriculum. The comprehensive Self Awareness Programme aims to support the pupils in identifying their strengths and difficulties and how this will impact upon their futures. This is delivered in a group, on an individual basis and with parents.

There is a Speech & Language therapist assigned to each class group, who is able to provide advice and assistance to teaching staff as and when required. In addition, this key therapist is able to provide therapy, advice and assistance to pupils on a needs-led basis. Speech and Language therapists and teachers plan together to provide a curriculum whereby the academic demands are supported and reinforced by the Speech and Language therapy team and the Life Skills Programme is delivered throughout the curriculum. This helps generalise these skills into different contexts and reinforce key vocabulary.

Individual Speech & Language Therapy In addition to the group provision, some pupils may receive individual/paired speech and language therapy according to their needs.

Occupational Therapy: Our occupational therapy team provide both individual and group therapy on a needs met basis. We carry out the Alert programme throughout the school which includes proprioception and vestibular rich movement activities. The team also provide teacher support and environmental adaptation for the pupils as needed. Equipment and sensory strategies are provided to help pupils access the curriculum. (See Therapies)

Supporting Educational Visits to support curriculum learning alongside trips to develop life skills and learning from the Speech & Language Therapy.

Group Reward System: System for rewarding pupils for their participation, organisation, cooperation and respect, carried out across the curriculum and in registration and lunchtimes.

Individual Targets: Throughout Key Stage 3 the pupils work on targets in their registration times, morning and afternoon. These targets are to help build and support key life skills.

Weekly Positive Feedback is given to the pupils both verbally and in written form to recognise achievement from the previous week. The pupils are encouraged to recognise their positive achievements and how it is valuable to them as an individual and to the class as a whole.