Occupational Therapy & Physiotherapy

Occupational and Physiotherapy departments work closely together at Blossom House School. Where children have a specific need for one or the other, their needs are met accordingly.

Occupational Therapy and Physiotherapy Service

1. Curriculum Provision

2. Individual Provision

3. Paired or small groups

4. Fine motor development and handwriting groups

5. Sensory Diets

6. Specialist programmes

Specialist programmes delivered to specific individuals or groups depending on their need, such as:

7. Environmental Adaptations

8. Workshops


We are fully equipped with a sensory integration room, complete with multiple suspension points and specialist lighting equipment to provide a variety of sensory experiences.


At Blossom House School, all OT and PT therapists are Sensory Integration trained and use a combined SI and Visual Perceptual Motor approach. We have one full time Occupational Therapy Assistant working alongside therapists to aid in delivery of individual and group provisions.

Two of our therapists have done the Helen Arkell (certificate Level 5) Course and are trained specifically to help children with Dyslexia(SpLD). Those children that require help with reading and writing can receive help using a sensory integration approach to learning.

Our therapists work within a multi disciplinary team and are therefore able to provide integrated classroom support and behavioural strategies devised in conjunction with school behavioural specialist. Therapists work closely alongside speech and language therapists using strategies such as the MORE approach to improve oral-motor skills.